When’s the last time you stopped and appreciated a trashcan?

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Here is Anna Dai and I’s 3D image of a trashcan located behind Dodd on the Pay By Space lot. It took over three hours for the images to process, but when it was done, Anna and I truly learned what it meant to appreciate a trash can. Another interesting thing we were able to notice was the detail we had neglected when taking the photo. The photo below shows a crack going down the middle, which we had not seen when taking the photo.

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This mean s that with such an application or program, we can emphasize and analysize small details that may be naked to the human eye, but can represent a very significant factor into a research study.


P.S: We would have liked more options to clean up the image even more to remove the unnecessary images around. But we still learned a lot in what it takes to produce a 3DĀ image, patience being the most. Thanks!

-Karla Contreras & Anna Dai