Final Project Grading

PROJECT SITE (Possible points: 80)
WRITTEN NARRATIVE (CONTENT) Narrative tells a coherent story with a beginning, middle, end, and a clear argument. The written discussion is substantive, thoughtful, well-argued, and well-edited. Relevant literature is reviewed and acknowledged. Students have paid attention to the fluidity, accessibility, and concision of the language.  18
WRITTEN NARRATIVE (MECHANICS) The team has paid sufficient attention to grammar, spelling, mechanics, and other linguistic issues. Narrative is divided into clear, sensible sections. Sources are cited properly. 8
MAPS Maps function well technically and are visually appealing, accurate, and make a clear contribution to the understanding of the topic as a whole. 12
TIMELINE Timeline functions well technically and is visually appealing, accurate, and makes a clear contribution to the understanding of the topic as a whole. 10
DATA VISUALIZATIONS Datasets used are appropriate. Mode of visualization is appropriate to data type. Visualization is clear and coherent. 12
INTERFACE DESIGN Site is easily navigable, coherent in look, and aesthetically appealing. 8
“ABOUT” PAGE Each of the three layers of the project is discussed substantively, including not only technical details but the rationale for these decisions. Team members are identified and credited for their work. Page includes appropriate acknowledgments.  12
DOCUMENTATION (Possible points: 10)
Group charter Thorough document of group’s rules of engagement, displaying evidence of careful planning. 3
Annotated bibliography Sources are selected with care. Descriptions make clear how the source contributes to the overall understanding of the topic. 5
Wireframe Thorough, functional, and executed with care. 2
TECHNICAL REACH (Possible points: 10)
EVIDENCE OF GROWTH Each of the team’s members displays evidence of growth in technical skill in all areas addressed in class, as ascertained by individual and group conversations, project feedback sessions, and classroom observations. 10