Each is required; no late work is permitted.

Friday, October 2, in lab

Fill out technical self-assessment.

Friday, October 9, in lab

You will be assigned to groups. Groups should discuss the research topics available and submit their top choices to Francesca.

Monday, October 12, in class

Your group will be issued its project capsule that morning. The capsule contains a dataset, supporting documentation, several assigned readings, and the name of an expert who has agreed to lend his or her expertise on this subject matter.

Friday, October 16, by 11:55 p.m.

Via CCLE, your group must submit 1) a list of five preliminary research questions; and 2) a project charter.

Friday, October 23, by 11:55 p.m.

Your group must submit a draft of its data critique via CCLE.

Friday, October 30, by 11:55 p.m. Friday, November 6, by 11:55 p.m.

Your group must submit a draft of your annotated bibliography via CCLE.

Friday, November 13, by 11:55 p.m.

Your group must submit wireframes for your site, including the headings for your data visualizations and maps, via CCLE. You should indicate which visualization, mapping, and timeline tools you intend to use, along with the web-publishing technology you plan to use (e.g., WordPress, flat HTML, Jekyll, etc.).

Friday, November 20, by 11:55 p.m.

Your group must submit a draft of your project narrative via CCLE. (Data visualizations need not be fully functioning by this point but their intended locations should be labeled.)

Monday, November 30, by 11:55 p.m.

Your group must submit the URL to a working beta version of your project mini-site via CCLE. Not all components need to be working perfectly, but the majority of the content should be there.

Monday, December 7, 8 a.m.–11 a.m.

8:00–9:00: Breakfast poster session, including members of the UCLA community.

9:00–11:00 a.m.: Project feedback. Each group will be called in to speak with the review panel, which will question the team about its work, ascertain each member’s level of involvement in the project, and provide feedback to the team.