Due by classtime on Week 8.
Read about one of the following controversies. (Note that each scenario contains multiple links; be sure and look at them all.)
- The Crisis Text Line has been sharing anonymized data with its for-profit spinoff, an HR consultant.
- The FBI used a range of technologies to track down the Jan. 6 rioters. (Use this link if you hit a paywall.)
- Many educational institutions use the test-proctoring software Proctorio, but some students say it’s too invasive.
- Another test-proctoring service, Honorlock, has been setting up fake websites to catch would-be cheaters and inform their universities.
- The website Course Hero gathers and publishes student work and teachers’ educational materials. Some people say it’s unethical, but this tech critic says he’s going to change it from the inside.
- In K-12 education, many schools use ClassDojo to help teachers manage their classrooms. But some people say it‘s too invasive. (Try this link if you hit a paywall on the New York Times.)
In about two paragraphs (around 300-500 words), or about five minutes of video, analyze the controversy. Which position (if any) do you side with and why? Cite relevant readings or class discussions from Week 7 as applicable.
(There are no right or wrong answers. We just want you to demonstrate that you’ve thought about the issue and applied ideas from our reading and discussion.)
Submit your response via BruinLearn, as a Word document, PDF, or video.