Week 10

Digital humanities (+ ILS)

You voted to discuss digital humanities this week! And since a substantial proportion of people were also interested in integrated library systems, we’ll touch on that as well.

No required reading this week!

In-class links

Digital humanities

DH project analysis

Slides: How Did They Make That?

Miriam’s DH201 (Introduction to Digital Humanities) syllabus

A timeline of computational methods in the humanities (John Unsworth)

Tutorial: Use Voyant to analyze DH abstracts

Open Voyant pre-loaded with our corpus

Upload your own texts to Voyant

Text Analysis Pedagogy Institute

The library tech stack

Slides: The Library Tech Stack

Stacey Knight Davis, “Academic Library Technology: Possible Elements and Ways to Combine Them”


Tech topics in IS270

DLF Forum fellowships (apply by June 9)