Week 3

Web-Building & UX

You’ll learn enough HTML and CSS to hand-code your own website, and we’ll take a peek at the fields of UX and UI.

Read, view, and listen


Visual Studio Code

(If you already have a code editor you like, you can skip this. If you don’t know what a code editor is, download VS Code!)

Create an account


This is so that you’ll be able to publish your website via Github Pages. If you prefer not to sign up for Github, you can skip this; just know we may not be able to publish your site during classtime. If you already have a Github account, you can use that.

In-Class Activities

Networks & Protocols Review

In-class slides

You can ask questions on this page.


HTML and CSS reference handouts

We’ll walk through the following tutorials today. (You almost certainly won’t make it through all of them, and that’s OK! Feel free to continue on your own time if you’d like.)

Do you find it easier to follow videos? Watch me walk through these tutorials on video:

Do you already know HTML & CSS?

That’s great! First of all, take a look around you and make sure none of your classmates needs help.

Next, consider using the next hour or so to investigate some frameworks and technologies with which you’re unfamiliar. I suggest: