Homework 3

Due by classtime on Week 5.

Download this spreadsheet (a student roster for a fictitious art college) and open it in Excel.

The spreadsheet contains two worksheets: Student Roster and Photography Students. The Photography Students list is missing the students’ names, but it does have their ID numbers. Using VLOOKUP, fill in the “Student name” column in the Photography Students worksheet.

Now return to the main student roster. Create a pivot table that shows how many students from each state are in which program.

Your spreadsheet document should now have three worksheets (i.e., tabs) in it: 1) the original student roster, 2) the photography roster with the student names filled in, and 3) a pivot table showing how many students from each state are in which program.

Save your Excel spreadsheet as an Excel document (.xls) and submit it as Homework 3 on BruinLearn. (I know I said you should always transmit data as a CSV, but just this ONE TIME, send it as an Excel document!)

Alternative for the tech-confident

Create a generative drawing with p5.js, using this guide. Share the link to your drawing.