How the $%^*^ does the internet work?
Read, view, and listen
- HTTP & HTML (video, 7 min)
- How the Internet Really Works, pp. 25-45 (book excerpt, 20 min.)
- How Does the Internet Work? (video, 20 min.)
- Building the People’s Network (article, 16 min.)
Take this quiz
The in-class activities might be more fun and interesting if you have Wireshark installed, but don’t worry; if you can’t get it installed, you can still follow along!
If you use a Windows machine, you’ll probably want to download and install the 64-bit version. Be sure to also install the other items that are packaged with Wireshark; it needs them in order to work.
If you’re on a Mac, you’ll probably want to use the Intel version. Please also install CHmodBPF.pkg (when you click on the download link, it will be packaged in the same folder as the Wireshark application.)
Here’s what to do if your Mac blocks you from opening Wireshark.
Additional Resources
“Warriors of the Net” (sigh)
HTTP: Learn Your Browser’s Hidden Language, by Julia Evans
Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet, by Andrew Blum
Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt, by Michael Lewis