
You’ve found the homepage for IS270, Systems and Infrastructures, during the Spring 2023 term at UCLA. This site should be your first stop to find out about readings, assignments, and other course material. We’ll use BruinLearn in order to submit assignments and access readings that aren’t freely available on the web.




BruinLearn: Tuesday or Thursday

Systems and Infrastructures is a required course for all MLIS students at UCLA, and it’s intended to provide a common technical background on which students can build. To that end, I’ve designed this course to cover a different technical topic each week. The major goal is to understand, conceptually, how various elements of the tech stack work. The hands-on activities are designed to help foster that understanding by offering the opportunity to learn a useful skill. No prior technical knowledge is assumed, although I can work with you to design alternatives if the material feels remedial. For more about the class, please see my policies.