I am available to help you! So please don’t hesitate to email or set up a meeting with me if you need a hand. As you know, however, these are not normal times, and I do not have childcare. So I ask that we exercise patience and kindness with each other in all of our communication. If I haven’t answered your email in 48 weekday hours, please feel free to re-send it.
Email me
You can reach me at mposner@humnet.ucla.edu.
Slack the class
Our class has a Slack channel. (I know, I know, but it’s meant to be helpful.) You should have received an invitation to the site at the email address associated with your CCLE account. Please feel free to ask questions on Slack, and use the “@” function to tag me if you want to make sure I see it. I cannot promise I will see your message or be able to respond right away, but perhaps while you’re waiting, another student may be able to help with your question.
Zoom with me
You will receive a Zoom link in your confirmation email.