In some cases, I have easier-to-use versions of these datasets than those available on the linked websites.
If you don’t want to use one of these datasets, you are welcome to use another! I have made a list of places you might look for your own data. You can also make your own dataset; just talk to me.
- Prisoner records from the Eastern State Penitentiary
- Contemporary art at the Carnegie Museum of Art
- Photography at the Carnegie Museum of Art
- Architecture at the Carnegie Museum of Art
- Nixon White House recordings
- A database of Scottish witchcraft
- Artwork at the Williams College Museum of Art
- Nineteenth-century children’s books
- Cylinder recordings
- Photographs from science-fiction conventions
- A database of graphic novels
- Book acquisitions at the Osage, Iowa, public library in the early twentieth century
- What people had in their houses in the 1700s in rural Pennsylvania
- A database of archaeologists and classicists
- The letters of Charles Darwin
- Museum of Modern Art Acquisitions, 2006-2016
- Marvel Comic Books and Characters
- New York Philharmonic Performances
- Facebook ads purchased by a Russian “troll farm”
- Index of digital humanities conferences
- The “Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950” records important personalities who were born, lived or worked in the respective Austrian state association or in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and who died between 1815 and 1950.
- Sources of income, and expenditures, for college athletics
- COVID data, geographically segmented
- Datasets on police interactions, by city
- Wikipedia editor activity
- Social scientists who testified before Congress
- Shapefiles tracking the changing boundaries of the French Third Republic
- Datasets on enslaved individuals (use with respect)
- Metadata on the paintings of Bob Ross
- Women executed during Colombia’s war for independence
- Metadata about 900 coups
- Datasets about trees in NYC, Dublin, Bogotá, Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Vienna
- Data about 500,000 opera performances
- Deaths in US jails
- US cabinet appointments
- China Biographical Database
- Immigrants to England, 1330-1550
- World Values survey data
- Data about Mexican migration to the US
- Surveillance technology around the US
- Lighthouses in England and Wales, 1514-1911
- Women Elected Officials Database