For Monday’s blog post, you’ll create an HTML document and a CSS document. You’ll then need to put these documents on your group’s server so that they’re accessible on the web. To do this, we’ll zip up your documents and upload them to your group’s server.
Get your files ready

Once you’ve created your HTML and CSS documents, put them inside a folder on your computer. Give the folder a really short, easy to spell name. The folder name will be part of the URL!
Now compress your folder, with everything inside it, by right-clicking on the folder icon and selecting Zip or Compress. You should see a new icon called That puts everything in a nice, neat, easy-to-upload package.
Log into your group’s server

Cpanel is the name of the software that allows you to control the files on your server. Log into your group’s cPanel by going to yourgroup’sURL/cpanel.
You can also get to cPanel by logging in to your Reclaim Hosting account and clicking on the cPanel tab.
Open the File Manager

You can find the File Manager on cPanel’s Home page, about two-thirds of the way down the page. If a pop-up window asks you where you want to be taken, select web root. The web root is the folder, called public_html, that contains all of the files that the server will automatically “broadcast” to the internet.
What’s this?

This is your server’s File Manager, which contains all of the documents you’ve uploaded to your server. (Yours will probably have way less stuff in it!) It works just like files on your own computer: you can put things in folders, take them out of folders, copy them, move them, and delete them.
Upload your zipped-up folder

Click on Upload at the top of your file manager. In the window that opens, leave the options as they are and choose the zipped version of the folder that contains your documents.
Go back home

When the status bar at the bottom of the window says Complete, click on the Back to home link.
Find your folder

Once you’re back at your file manager, find and click on the zipped file you just uploaded.
Extract the folder

With your zipped folder selected, click on Extract. (Extract is just another way of saying “unzip.”) Leave the options as they are in the windows that follow and click OK and then Close.
Hey, guess what? You’re done!
Where’s my webpage?

The URL to the webpage you just uploaded will look like this: http://www. theURLofyourgroup’ssite/thefolderyouuploaded/ You did it! You built a webpage and uploaded it to the web!
BONUS: If you make changes to your webpage and want to update it, just use the file manager to navigate to the folder that contains your HTML document and replace your old document with the new one.