Email me early and often! However, please note that I generally don’t respond to email on evenings or weekends. You can reach me at
Meeting with me
I’m always happy to meet with you. Please use my appointment-booker to grab a slot. Generally, I’m available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you absolutely can’t find a time on my calendar, please email me so we can work something out.
Where is the reading?
You’ll find your reading in one of two places. If it is freely available on the web, it’s linked directly from the schedule. If I can’t link to it, it will be posted in our class’s CCLE site, under the appropriate week.
How do I turn things in?
You turn things in via CCLE, using the assignment listed under the appropriate week. If for some reason you don’t see the assignment, please let me know ASAP.
We only meet once a week, so we have a lot to get done in each class! While I don’t take attendance, it’s really important you try to miss as few classes as possible.
Late work
Please let me know ASAP if you suspect a deadline won’t work for you. We can talk about it. There are a few things we’ll need to take into consideration, including whether this has become a pattern that we need to address, whether it’s realistic to meet a later deadline in addition to all other upcoming deadlines, and whether I can work a later deadline into my grading schedule.
Syllabus changes
I want to keep the class relevant to your needs and interests as they evolve, so there is some possibility that the readings or assignments may change over the course of the quarter. I will always let you know about changes as soon as I possibly can.
I take accessibility seriously, and while I am still learning how best to accommodate students, I can, with your help, co-design accommodations for your disability. Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) at (310)825-1501 or in person at Murphy Hall A255. When possible, students should contact the CAE within the first two weeks of the term as reasonable notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. For more information visit