
Grade breakdown

Final paper50%
Write-ups5% each (total of 20%)
Group presentation10%


You’re an adult and life happens, so I won’t be taking attendance. However, we only have 9 sessions together, and I will notice if you are missing a lot of class (i.e., more than one session). If some life event is getting in the way of you attending class, please let me know ASAP so that we can come up with a way to accommodate you.


I take accessibility seriously, and while I am always learning how best to accommodate students, I can, with your help, co-design accommodations for your disability. Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) at (310)825-1501 or in person at Murphy Hall A255. When possible, students should contact the CAE within the first two weeks of the term as reasonable notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. For more information visit www.cae.ucla.edu.

Syllabus changes

Part of the reason this syllabus is online, and not in hard copy, is that I like to be able to adapt the course content in response to student interests and needs. You should therefore be aware that readings and due dates may change from time to time. I will always give you plenty of notice if this is the case, but I suggest checking the syllabus regularly for updates, particularly if you happen to miss a class.

My pregnancy and you

I am pregnant. My due date is March 12, which falls during week 10. I hope and expect to complete the quarter with you, but you should be aware that this is not really under my control. If I am unable to complete the quarter, I’ve made arrangements with other faculty in the department to stand in for me. If I am unable to attend final presentations, I will make arrangements to record them.

I also need to ask your patience and understanding with some accommodations. Because of the biological realities of third-trimester pregnancy, I may need to take frequent restroom breaks. Physically, my endurance is not what it usually is, and I may on occasion need to end class a bit early. In these cases, I’ll provide alternate activities which you can complete on your own.