In-Class Activities, Jan. 6

Activity One

Review the following job boards, with an eye toward the kind of job(s) for which you see yourself preparing. Make a list of digital competencies specified in the ads, and take note of job titles.

CLIR + DLF Job Board

ALA JobList




Activity Two

Review the profiles and activities of the following information technology organizations. How do their missions differ? What activities, advocacy, and educational opportunities do they engage in? How could they be useful to you in your professional life? If the organization hosts a conference, review past programs and proceedings. What are some hot topics of discussion right now?

(These represent only some of the professional organizations for the information professions; see this list if your interests aren’t represented here.)

Digital Library Federation


Library & Information Technology Association

Coalition for Networked Information

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services

Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)

ARL Innovation Lab

Special Library Association Information Technology Division

Association for Computing Machinery (see SIGs in particular)


Activity Three

There is a bewildering abundance of “technology competency” lists for information professionals. Review the following lists. Is it possible to abstract the specific skills into common themes? What kinds of higher-level abilities will serve you best in the long-term? Discuss with your group.

SLA (see “Information and Knowledge Systems and Technology”)

ALA (see “Technical Knowledge and Skills”)

Core Competencies for E-Resources Librarians

“Technologies Librarians Need to Know”

Activity Four

Believe it or not, our goofy drawing exercise has a name and a methodology! Diagrams drawn to try to understand systems or situations are called “rich pictures,” and you can read more about this practice here.